First Holy Communion 2024

Congratulations to our Communion Class who celebrated their special day on the 4th May 2024.

First Confession 2024

Well done to the boys and girls in 2nd Class who made their First Confession on the 14th of March.

Picture Sunday Mass

Well done to the boys and girls in 2nd class who attended Picture Sunday Mass in preparation for this First Confession and First Holy Communion.

First Confession – 30th March 2023

First Holy Communion – 21st May 2022

First Holy Communion – 9th October 2021

First Confession – 30th April 2021

First Holy Communion Date 2017 is Saturday 6th May.


Congratulations to all our pupils who received their first Holy Communion 2016!!

Well done you did a great job and we are very proud of you all!!!

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     First Confession!

(March 2016)

Congratulations to the boys and girls in Second Class who made their First Confession on the 15th of March. All their hard work paid off and they did brilliantly on the night, well done!

A big thank you also to all the children who participated on the night in the choir and also all the teachers who were on hand to help during the ceremony.

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Enrolment Mass

(February 2016)

Congratulations to the boys and girls of 2nd class who enrolled for the sacraments of First Penance and First Holy Communion.



The Holy Communion class had a great day on Saturday the 16th May when they made their First Holy Communion. All their hard work paid off and they did brilliantly on the day, well done! A big thank you also to all the children who participated on the day in the choir and as musicians and also all the teachers who were on hand to help during the ceremony.



Mrs Duff’s second class are busy preparing for their first confessions.

There are 9 children in total making their first confessions on the 11th March 2015 in Kiltealy Church at 7:30 pm

These are:

  • Libby Cullen
  • Charlie Smith
  • Aimee Neville
  • Alannah Kehoe
  • Ellie Watchorn
  • Noah Mangan
  • Aela Bowe
  • Niamh Armstrong
  • Maria de la Paz ( 4th class)