Monthly Archives: November 2017
Thanks to all children, parents and staff who helped make this a special Christmas for needy children in the world.
Check out for more details.
Kiltealy NS Parents Association
Welcome to our School Facebook Page. We have an exciting new development for our School. The Board of Management and teachers are now working in partnership with the newly formed Parents Association .
We wish to use this Facebook page as a means to enhance positive communication between school and home. Please join our page to keep updated on our school events.
As always, your support of our School is much appreciated.

Well done to our students who worked hard to produce fabulous Christmas cards and many thanks to all parents, grandparents, friends and family who supported this school fundraising initiative.
Well done to all staff and students who are working hard during their “Power Hour”.“Literacy Lift-Off”, also known as “Power-Hour” or “Guided Reading”, is an intensive programme of Reading and Writing, which gives the pupils lots of opportunities to read books at their own level of competency. It gradually lifts the complexity of what they can do in both reading and writing by equipping them with the necessary problem-solving skills.
3rd and 4th classes are really enjoying their hockey lessons on Thursdays.
Music Lesson have started again with our music teacher Helena Dunbar and our students from 1st -6th class are busy practicing!!
Well done to all the children from Kiltealy N.S. who played so well in the final.
As you know the boys and girls from 3rd to 6th class have been working hard learning lots of great songs for their Sing Out Loud Concert in the Wexford Opera House. The 19th is fast approaching and we need to know the lyrics inside out! 🙂
Copy and paste this link to find all the music and lyrics that the children need to know before the big night!
Get practicing everyone! 🙂