Our current School Self Evaluation focus is Wellbeing. The whole school enjoyed a month of activities during Friendship February which included skipping challenges, compliment jars, pancakes treats for Pancake Tuesday and every pupil in the school received a friendship bracelet made by our talented Wellbeing Committee. Many thanks to Ms. Dowling and Ms. Bible for all their work as Wellbeing co-ordinators.

Friendship February – 2024


What is SIP?

The Department of Education have requested that all schools take part in a self evaluation programme whereby schools identify their strengths and weaknesses both in literacy and numeracy. As a result of these findings each school is required to develop their School Improvement Plan which outlines how they plan on improving overall performance in specific literacy and numeracy areas.

Kiltealy National School developed a School Improvement Plan to improve our children’s comprehension skills for the school year 2013/2014 . Please see attached  details of same:

Literacy plan

This year (2014/2015) our focus is on Numeracy. Having examined the results of our children’s scores in Maths, we realised that problem solving was an area that required further attention. Please see attached our School Improvement plan on Numeracy and our problem solving strategy. For further information on our problem solving strategy and results of same, please see “Numeracy” under “Initiatives”

Numeracy plan

Problem Solving

We most recently worked on handwriting as our SSE focus. 2018-2020


Staff are now analysing our school practice as a means of determining our next focus area for SSE.