Green Schools Award!

Green School Committee members Jodi and Louise attended the South East Green Schools Award Ceremony in Hotel Kilkenny on the 14th of May where they collected our 5th Green Flag on behalf of the school. The Committee led our schools work on the theme of ‘Biodiversity’ over the past 2 years. Our Green Schools Coordinator Ms. Crosbie was also in attendance. Congratulations to all!

Green Schools Update!

Our Green School Committeeled by Ms. Crosbie, had an extremely successful visit from a County Council Green Schools Co-Ordinator earlier this Month. The committee presented their work on the theme of Biodiversity. The GS Co-Ordinator was very impressed with their knowledge and commended them on their very informative notice board which displays their ongoing work. Our flag application has been submitted by Ms. Crosbie and we hope to hear some news very soon on our success.

3rd – 6th class recently enjoyed a presentation from the ACRES organisation who promote organic farming methods and support farmers in nurturing biodiversity on their land-a very informative day for all.

Below: Our Green Schools Committee ready to distribute our battery recycling boxes.

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p1010469Our Green Schools Committee are continuing their great work this year. They recently joined the WEEEPledge schools recycling challenge. We are collecting batteries to make a difference. Its free to recycle and recycling waste batteries helps our environment. Last week we were busy distributing battery recycling boxes to every family in the school. This initiative also raises funds for the LauraLynn Foundation, Ireland’s Children’s Hospice.


So get collecting everybody….every battery counts, every battery makes a difference!!



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Clothes Collection:

Thank you for your continued support of our clothes collection. Our next collection will be on Monday 21stNovember. The shelter will be open during school hours for the week prior to this date.


Kiltealy gets Green School award !!



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As part of our Green School’s program all of the children at Kiltealy National School will be taking part in a whole village clean up. Starting at the school the children will pick up litter around the village, improving our environment and how our village looks.  




           Welcome ” Incredible Edibles” to Kiltealy N.S.

Third and Fourth Class are taking part in the Incredible Edibles Programme. Incredible Edibles is a healthy eating initiative for Primary School pupils. It encourages schools across the country to get busy growing carrots, lettuce, potatoes, strawberries and turnips. Schools are supplied with grow packs containing everything they needed to grow a veritable feast of healthy foods!




Winner Of Tidiest Classroom

(Posted Nov  2015)

Cogratulations to 1 st and Second Class,who won the tidiest and most energy efficient classroom for October.


Our hard work has paid off!!!

( Published 7th May)

You might have spotted children in the area last Wednesday with some gloves and bin bags! Kiltealy N.S completed our Spring Clean around the locality. Wexford county council collected our rubbish last Friday. The children did a great job, but we really had to search for rubbish as Kiltealy was so clean.

We received some great news during the week…..we have qualified for our first green flag! The Green School committee and all the children in the school are so excited. They have all worked so hard to keep our school clean with as little waste as possible and really deserve this reward. 2 teachers and 2 pupils will represent the school on Thursday 21st May in Kilkenny during the award ceremony and will be extremely proud to bring home our first green school flag.

Keep up the great work everybody 😉

Here are some photos of Junior and Senior Infants participating in our Spring Clean…….

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Newspaper Recycling

We would like to remind you that you can recycle your old newspapers in the recycling bins provided in the school yard. For each full bin we receive 50c , which adds up over the year. A little goes a long way!


Spring Clean Action Day – Wednesday 29th April

The pupils of Kiltealy National School will take part in a Spring Clean Action Day next Wednesday 29th of April as part of the Green Schools imitative. Each class will be designated a different area in the locality to collect rubbish in. We have received resources from An Taisce such as gloves, rubbish bags and bibs for the children to wear. Each class will be closely supervised , however we do ask that you are extra vigilant if driving through during school hours.


February 2015

Kiltealy N.S had a Green School inspection on Friday 6th February. The inspector was extremely impressed with the cleanliness of the school and the level of recycling and awareness within the school. Following this, we received a letter from the body who awards the Green School Flags “ An Taisce” to advise we have been successfully granted “ Green School” status and will receive our first (of many) flags in May. The Green School committee which to express their gratitude to everyone for their co-operation in ensuring our school is clean. Keep up the great work! 😉


(posted December 2014)

The Green School committee recently submitted an application for the first Green School flag ” Litter and Waste”. Please see attached our action plan

Kiltealy National School Green School Action plan

We have successfully achieved our aim of reducing waste by 50% . It would not have been possible to achieve this target without the co-operation of all our teachers, pupils and families. Everyone is making a great effort to ensure they bring home their own waste materials, use recyclable materials in art etc, and we appreciate it.

We are expecting a visitor from An Taisce in the near future who will decide if Kiltealy N.S are worthy of a Green Flag, and we are feeling very positive we will be granted same.

In  Spring we are organising a Spring Clean in the locality and will update you regarding same.

You may wish to join the children of Kiltealy N.S in learning our Green Code rap, here it is…….

Our aim is to reduce litter and waste

as it damages our environment and is a disgrace

Kiltealy is keen on going Green

But what does that mean?

It means get clean.

What can you do , how can you help?

Just read our green code & follow these steps:

1. Bring home your litter and waste

2. Use lunchboxes for a good taste

3. If someone drops litter let them know

4. Recycle recycle is the way to go

Many thanks to everyone for your co-operation and we wish you all a very festive and enjoyable Christmas.

The Green Schools Committee

(posted November 2014)

The Green School committee and all the staff and children of Kiltealy N.S are working hard to achieve our first green school flag.

Our goal is to reduce the overall waste in the school by 50% in December 2014.

Here are some of the policies we have in place to help us achieve this goal:

  • Litter Wardens – check the yard at lunch time to ensure there no litter discarded and also check the classrooms.
  • Spot checks on the bins to ensure the correct contents are placed in each bin.
  • We have asked all children to use a lunch box for their lunch and avoid unnecessary food wrappings.
  • Children are also asked to bring home any rubbish they may such as milk cartons, food wrappings / orange peels etc , our general rule is if you own it , bring it home.
  • Each room has a bling box which contains recyclable materials that can be used in art. Mrs Kavanagh’s 5th & 6th class have also made houses out of recyclable materials. The 5th and 6th class children completed projects with infants in June and made “Under the Sea” diorama using recyclable materials also.
  • We have a competition each month in the school for the “ Tidiest Classroom of the month” , here is a list of our winners to date:
  • January 2014 – 1st and 2nd class
  • February 2014 – 3rd & 4th class
  • March 2014 – Junior and Senior Infants
  • April 2014 – 1st & 2nd class
  • May 2014 – 5th & 6th class
  • June 2014 – 3rd & 4th class
  • September 2014 – Junior and Senior Infants

The winning class gets one night off written homework.

We would like to remind also that you can recycle your newspapers and batteries in the school.

The Green School Committee would like to thank you all for your continued support and co-operation.


Our Green School Slogan

The committee recently had a vote on our Green School Slogan. They picked 6 and every class voted on their favourite. The winning slogan was…………………………..

“Kiltealy is Keen on going Green”.

Our next step now is to come up with our action plan which will detail what we intend on doing in order to reduce waste and litter in school. We will update the website with all our latest information on a regular basis.


Green Schools

Posted on   

Kiltealy N.S has recently applied for the first Green School Flag – “Litter and Waste”. We have elected a Green Schools Committee with children from 1st to 6th class. On the this committee we have Fionn O Múirí and Sarah Nolan from 6th class, Sam Holmes and Katie Breen from 5th class, Aoife Pender from 4th class, Caoimhe O’Brien from 3rd class, Katie Bowe from 2nd class and Charlie Smith from 1st class. The committee are currently working on our Green Schools Slogan. There is a 7 step programme to follow to help ensure we receive our Green Schools Flag. The 1st step has been completed which involved electing the committee. The committee’s next step now is to conduct an environmental review to assess the litter and waste problems in the school. They will then develop an action plan to deal with these problems and reduce the litter and waste in order to have a cleaner greener school. However,  it is not just the committee’s job to tackle the litter problems in our school, we need the co-operation of all the pupils, teachers and parents. One of the suggestions to help reduce waste & litter is for all pupils to take home any food waste or litter from their lunches. Also we recommend that all pupils have a lunch box to avoid using tin foil or cling film to wrap sandwiches in.

Please feel free to make suggestions on reducing litter and waste to the committee.

We appreciate your co-operation and assistance in helping us achieve our first Green Schools Flag.


Green School Committee

(Published October 2015)

Work has now commenced on getting our second Green School Flag. Elections for the Green School Committee were held in each classroom. All of the pupils gave a presentation to their class.The first meeting took place on Friday 9th October. The Green School Committee are photographed below.





Tidiest Classroom

(Posted  October 2015)

We have a competition each month in the school for the tidiest classroom. The winner of the tidiest class for October will be announced in early November.