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*****************************************************************************Image result for school gardenThird and Fourth Classes had great fun planting vegetables in our school garden. We planted peas,potatoes, onions, lettuce, carrots and parsnips. Thank you to Mr. Hanrahan for teaching us how to sow the vegetables. We have lots of volunteers to go and water the vegetables every day!!!Screenshot_20160609-222901 Screenshot_20160609-222855 Screenshot_20160609-222849 Screenshot_20160609-222844  Screenshot_20160609-222824 Screenshot_20160609-222815 Screenshot_20160609-222812 Screenshot_20160609-222801Screenshot_20160609-222834

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All Classes really enjoyed having the bricks for kids team in our school. The children and teachers enjoyed building Lego models.



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           Welcome ” Incredible Edibles” to Kiltealy N.S.

Third and Fourth Class are taking part in the Incredible Edibles Programme. Incredible Edibles is a healthy eating initiative for Primary School pupils. It encourages schools across the country to get busy growing carrots, lettuce, potatoes, strawberries and turnips. Schools are supplied with grow packs containing everything they needed to grow a veritable feast of healthy foods!




Firemen visit 3rd and 4th Class

Fire officers called to the school last week to talk to our 3rd and 4th class students about fire safety. The children really enjoyed it and had lots of questions for the officers.






Valentines day Art !!


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Healthy Eating Week in 3rd and 4th Class

We learned all about the food pyramid and sugars in our food.

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Coin Collection Update!!

Thank you to all who supported our Brown Coin Collection. We have had an amazing response. Third and Fourth Class been working hard sorting and counting all your coins. We are delighted to announce we have collected €626 so far and we still have some coins to count.

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All classes had great fun for science week. We took part in lots of experiments and fun science lessons.

3rd and 4th Class made paper air-planes and had an throwing contest!!




We took part in experiments on how to grow mould and had great fun with balloons and static electricity!!


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All teachers and pupils are having great fun trying out our new yoga poses. Check in with us next week to see our progress !!?






Zumba Fun !

3rd & 4th class had great fun learning Zumba dancing for active week.




The Marrog

3rd & 4th class had great fun learning the poem ” The Marrog”.

They used this poem as a stimulus for an art lesson and created a picture how they envisaged the Marrog looked.

The children also writing a creative story about the Marrog visiting their class!

Have a look at some of their work……..

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Na Séisúir

D’fhoglaim na páistí faoin aimsir atá sa gach séasúr as gaeilge agus tharraing said pictúir ……………Féach………………..

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The Story of a River

3rd & 4th class learned all about the story of a river, from it’s source to where it enters the sea. They can also identify meanders in a river. Have a look at some of their lovely drawings…….



Reduce , Re-use, Recycle

3rd and 4th class are learning all about how we can help our environment by reducing out waste, re-using materials and recycling materials. They have made campaign posters for the Green Schools to encourage everyone to Reduce, Re-use and Recycle.

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid

This year , 3rd and 4th class read the novel ” Diary of a Wimpy Kid”.

They decided to design their own book cover for the novel ,  I think these are very creative and interesting….have a look….

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The Celts

3rd and 4th class have been learning all about the lives of the Celts. They have learned about the clothes the Celts wore, the houses they lived in, how they hunted, what beliefs and traditions they had, what children did during this era. Here are pictures of our “Celtic Factfile ” display

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