This weeks split the pot winner is Rosaleen Doyle who won €188.00 . Many thanks to everyone who continues to support our “Split the Pot” fund. Don’t forget envelopes are available in the usual outlets in Kiltealy. One entry costs €2, if your not in, you can’t win.

This weeks split the pot winner is Larry Doyle who won €179.00 . Many thanks to everyone who continues to support our “Split the Pot”fund. Don’t forget envelopes are available in the usual outlets in Kiltealy. One entry costs €2, if your not in, you can’t win.

Congratulations to Breda Cushen who represented Kiltealy N.S in the exhibition match during half time in the Mayo v Dublin All-Ireland  Football  Semi Final in  Croke Park on August 30th 2015.



Many thanks to all who supported our last clothes collection which raised a total of €812.95

Our next clothes collection will take place before the Halloween mid-term break. The exact date is yet to be confirmed. So gather up any unwanted clothes, bags, duvets, curtains….. anything made from fabric as we would be happy to take them off your hands.

This weeks split the pot winners were Shiela and James Fenlon. Many thanks to everyone who continues to support our “Split the Pot”fund. Don’t forget envelopes are available in the usual outlets in Kiltealy. One entry costs €2, if your not in, you can’t win.





Fáilte Ar Ais!

All the staff at Kiltealy N.S. would like to welcome back our pupils. A particular welcome is extended to our new Junior Infants; Oran, Ryan, William, Fionn and Ruby. We would also like to welcome our new Senior Infant Amy.  We are going to have a great year this year with lots of learning, fun, friendship and adventure.

1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th class had a great day on our very active and enjoyable tour.

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First Holy Communion 2016 – Second Class pupils will receive their First Holy Communion on the 14th of May.

Confirmation 2016- Fifth and Sixth Class pupils will receive their Confirmation on Friday the 3rd of June.

An art competition was held within the school. The children in each class had to design an art poster based on the title ‘Things that interest me..’. There was a winner from each class along with two highly commended winners. The standard was very high across all the classes and there was some excellent posters entered, well done to everyone!

The winners:

Junior Infants: Lucy Nolan      Senior Infants: Sadhbh Hanrahan

First Class: Kate Dwyer             Second Class: Alannah Kehoe

Third Class: David Nolan          Fourth Class: Grace Smith

Fifth Class: Ian Blake                 Sixth Class: Angelia Belousous

Highly Commended:

Third Class: MJ O’ Neill             Fourth Class: Aisling Byrne